
    e-Sewa Kendra

    Publish Date: October 27, 2023


    (Services for litigants and Advocates)

    e-Sewa Kendra and HelpDesk Counter Cabin has been established at District Court Complex, Karwar for providing Citizen-Centric Services to the Advocates and Public Litigants and thus becoming one point center for availing of multiple services under one roof. These centres also extend assistance in e-filing of cases.These Kendras represent a significant step for the common man and his right to access to justice.


    Fecilities provided in e-Sewa Kendra.

    The following services are offered at e-sewa kendra for Litigants and Advocates :-

    . Handling inquiries about case status, next date of hearing, and other details.

    . Handling queries about Judges on Leave.

    . Providing Status of certified copy applications.

    . Publicise and assist in downloading the Mobile App of eCourts for Android and IOS.

    . Guide people on how to avail of free legal services from the District Legal Service Authority, High Court Legal Service Committee, and Supreme Court Legal Service Committee.

    . Explaining the method of arranging and holding a video conference court hearing.